This is a global notification. You can write markdown here! Link to official website
ApiEndpointsForResource Component
Create or Update (POST) operation to a resource.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
curl https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource -i \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}" \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-binary @- << DATA{"objectTypeProperty" : {"arrayOfIntExample" : [ 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1 ],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample" : [ 1, 3, 5, 7 ],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample" : [ 3, 5 ],"arrayOfFloatExample" : [ 0.82 ],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample" : [ 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ],"arrayOfStringExample" : [ "dog", "cat", "bird" ],"arrayOfObjectType" : [ {"integerExample" : 777,"integerExampleInt32" : 1}, {"integerExample" : 30000,"integerExampleInt32" : 22} ]}}DATA
{"version": 1,"objectTypeProperty": {"arrayOfIntExample": [2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample": [2, 6, 10, 14],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample": [6, 10],"arrayOfFloatExample": [1.64],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample": [20, 18, 16, 14, 12],"arrayOfStringExample": ["dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird"],"arrayOfObjectType": [{"integerExample": 1554,"integerExampleInt32": 2},{"integerExample": 60000,"integerExampleInt32": 22}]}}
Create or Overwrite (PUT) operation to a resource.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
{"version": 1,"objectTypeProperty": {"arrayOfIntExample": [2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample": [2, 6, 10, 14],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample": [6, 10],"arrayOfFloatExample": [1.64],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample": [20, 18, 16, 14, 12],"arrayOfStringExample": ["dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird"],"arrayOfObjectType": [{"integerExample": 1554,"integerExampleInt32": 2},{"integerExample": 60000,"integerExampleInt32": 22}]}}
Query/retrieve (GET) a specific resource or resource(s). This should return a paged query result of blah.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
stringParameter String | |
floatParameter Float | |
integerParameter Int | |
withMarkdownDescription Float | This |
objectParameter | |
arrayOfString String | The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
arrayOfStringWithDescription String | This should render above the text "The parameter can be passed multiple times." The parameter can be passed multiple times. |
unionParameter |
curl --get https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource -i \--header "Authorization: Bearer ${BEARER_TOKEN}"
{"arrayOfIntExample": [2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample": [2, 6, 10, 14],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample": [6, 10],"arrayOfFloatExample": [1.64],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample": [20, 18, 16, 14, 12],"arrayOfStringExample": ["dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird"],"arrayOfObjectType": [{"integerExample": 1554,"integerExampleInt32": 2},{"integerExample": 60000,"integerExampleInt32": 22}]}
This link - ObjectTestTypeDraft, [ObjectTestTypeDraft](ctp:test:type:ObjectTestTypeDraft)
, must be auto-generated.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
queryParameterOne Float | This link - StringTestType, |
queryParameterTwo String |
curl https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource/description-with-urn-links -i \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-binary @- << DATA{"eigthProperty" : "Should display 8th (1st in RAML)","createdBy" : {"firstName" : "John","lastName" : "Doe"},"ninthProperty" : "Should display 9th (3rd in RAML)","key" : "Should display 3rd (4th in RAML)","tenthProperty" : "Should display 10th (5th in RAML)","custom" : "Should display 16th (6th in RAML)","eleventhPropery" : "Should display 11th (7th in RAML)","id" : "Should display 1st (8th in RAML)","twelthProperty" : "Should display 12th (9th in RAML)","lastModifiedBy" : {"firstName" : "Jane","lastName" : "Doe"},"thirteenthProperty" : "Should display 13th (11th in RAML)","lastModifiedAt" : "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","fourteenthProperty" : "Should display 14th (13th in RAML)","fifteenthProperty" : "Should display 15th (14th in definition)","createdAt" : "2015-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","version" : "Should display 2nd (16th in RAML)"}DATA
{"arrayOfIntExample": [2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample": [2, 6, 10, 14],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample": [6, 10],"arrayOfFloatExample": [1.64],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample": [20, 18, 16, 14, 12],"arrayOfStringExample": ["dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird"],"arrayOfObjectType": [{"integerExample": 1554,"integerExampleInt32": 2},{"integerExample": 60000,"integerExampleInt32": 22}]}
{"dateOnlyExample": "2015-05-23","timeOnlyExample": "12:30:00","dateTimeOnlyExample": "2015-07-04T21:00:00","dateTimeExample": "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","dateTimeExampleDefaultFormat": "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","dateTimeExampleRfc": "Sun, 28 Feb 2016 16:41:41 GMT"}
Search Product Projection with content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
{"stringExample": "0123456"}
{"dateOnlyExample": "2015-05-23","timeOnlyExample": "12:30:00","dateTimeOnlyExample": "2015-07-04T21:00:00","dateTimeExample": "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","dateTimeExampleDefaultFormat": "2016-02-28T16:41:41.090Z","dateTimeExampleRfc": "Sun, 28 Feb 2016 16:41:41 GMT"}
Uploads a binary image file to a given product variant. The supported image formats are JPEG, PNG and GIF.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
filename String | |
variant Int | |
sku String | |
staged Boolean |
Content-Type String |
{"version": 1,"objectTypeProperty": {"arrayOfIntExample": [2, 4, 2, 6, 4, 6, 2],"arrayOfUniqueIntExample": [2, 6, 10, 14],"arrayOfTwonumbersExample": [6, 10],"arrayOfFloatExample": [1.64],"arrayOfNumberNoDefaultsExample": [20, 18, 16, 14, 12],"arrayOfStringExample": ["dogdog", "catcat", "birdbird"],"arrayOfObjectType": [{"integerExample": 1554,"integerExampleInt32": 2},{"integerExample": 60000,"integerExampleInt32": 22}]}}
{"stringExample": "0123456"}
Use the POST method to write data to a backend system.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
We recommend to use standard HTTP response codes and application/json
encoded content.
Use the GET method to allow the frontend to fetch data asynchronously.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
We recommend to use standard HTTP response codes and application/json
encoded content.
curl --get https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource/namespace-action -i
Use the GET method to allow the frontend to fetch data asynchronously. The example fetches a cart.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
We recommend to use standard HTTP response codes and application/json
encoded content. The response will look like the response you have declared in your action. As an example we will fetch the cart.
curl --get https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource/namespace-action-with-example -i
{"cartId": "534a5f86-ea14-4b54-b2da-62a0672707e1","cartVersion": "15","lineItems": [{"lineItemId": "d41690bc-ea20-4254-b10b-8dxeac87c1b0","productId": "6bgggaf4-c2b8-4ba7-945e-95e2a113a41f","name": "Casual jacket","type": "variant","count": 1,"price": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"discountTexts": [],"discounts": [],"totalPrice": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"variant": {"id": "1","sku": "M0E200KJ1200DSDJ","images": [""],"groupId": "78d95","attributes": {"articleNumberManufacturer": "621840423 V0065","articleNumberMax": "78665","matrixId": "M0E200KJ1200DSDJ","baseId": "78665","designer": {"key": "casual","label": "casual"},"madeInItaly": {"key": "no","label": "no"},"commonSize": {"key": "xxs","label": "XXS"},"size": "XXS","color": {"key": "black","label": "Black"},"colorFreeDefinition": "black","style": {"key": "sporty","label": "sporty"},"gender": {"key": "men","label": "Men"},"season": "S15"},"price": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"isOnStock": true},"isGift": false,"_url": "/slug/p/M0E200KJ1200DSDJ"}],"sum": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"shippingAddress": {},"billingAddress": {},"payments": [],"discountCodes": []}
Use the GET method to allow the frontend to fetch data from a backend system. For the response, we recommend to use standard HTTP codes and application/json
encoded content. The response will be structured as defined by the body property of the action.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
Accept String | Accept application/json Header. Pattern: application/json |
Test-Header | A header with a special type. |
Path-Header String | Pattern: ^/.*$ |
The response will be structured as defined by the body property of the action.
curl --get https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource/namespace-action-with-headers -i \--header 'Accept: ${ACCEPT}'\--header 'Test-Header: ${TEST_HEADER}'\--header 'Path-Header: ${PATH_HEADER}'
{"cartId": "534a5f86-ea14-4b54-b2da-62a0672707e1","cartVersion": "15","lineItems": [{"lineItemId": "d41690bc-ea20-4254-b10b-8dxeac87c1b0","productId": "6bgggaf4-c2b8-4ba7-945e-95e2a113a41f","name": "Casual jacket","type": "variant","count": 1,"price": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"discountTexts": [],"discounts": [],"totalPrice": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"variant": {"id": "1","sku": "M0E200KJ1200DSDJ","images": [""],"groupId": "78d95","attributes": {"articleNumberManufacturer": "621840423 V0065","articleNumberMax": "78665","matrixId": "M0E200KJ1200DSDJ","baseId": "78665","designer": {"key": "casual","label": "casual"},"madeInItaly": {"key": "no","label": "no"},"commonSize": {"key": "xxs","label": "XXS"},"size": "XXS","color": {"key": "black","label": "Black"},"colorFreeDefinition": "black","style": {"key": "sporty","label": "sporty"},"gender": {"key": "men","label": "Men"},"season": "S15"},"price": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"isOnStock": true},"isGift": false,"_url": "/slug/p/M0E200KJ1200DSDJ"}],"sum": {"fractionDigits": 2,"centAmount": 39900,"currencyCode": "EUR"},"shippingAddress": {},"billingAddress": {},"payments": [],"discountCodes": []}
Use the PUT method to write data to a backend system. Any JSON serializable payload is accepted. The following request example adds a product to a cart. For the response, we recommend to use standard HTTP codes and application/json
encoded content. The response will be structured as defined by the body
property of the action. The following response example contains the updated cart information, which includes the added product.
region String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
cloudProvider String | Free text description of the uri parameter. |
projectKey String | The CTP project key. |
We recommend to use standard HTTP response codes and application/json
encoded content. The response will look like the response you have declared in your action. As an example we will fetch the cart.
curl -X PUT https://api.{region}.{cloudProvider}{projectKey}/resource/json-serializable-primitive-type -i \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--data-binary @- << DATA{ }DATA
"raw string"