Special Plugins

Gatsby Transformer MDX Introspection

This Functionality has been deprecated. MDX v2 provides a rich AST that allows to solve the problems in a cleaner way

This plugin statically analyzes the nodes generated by gatsby-plugin-mdx and generates GraphQL nodes that allow users to find out what MDX-sourced pages contain which manually placed React components or HTML elements that are automatically generated from Markdown.

It serves use cases that need the full "database" of "what component was placed where." For example, use cases where there is a need to generate links to component locations could use this plugin.

It supports the full MDX syntax, using the compiled intermediate JSX code to generate the component tree from. Complex attributes are represented as strings, while simple attributes generally get parsed correctly, which turned out to be sufficient for the typical use case.


npm install --save @commercetools-docs/gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection

How to use

Just add the plugin to the plugins array in your gatsby-config.js

plugins: [`@commercetools-docs/gatsby-transformer-mdx-introspection`];

Example GraphQL query

To collect all locations of manually placed <ApiType .../> components:

query GetAllApiTypes {
allComponentInMdx(filter: { component: { eq: "ApiType" } }) {
nodes {
attributes {
mdx {
file: parent {
... on File {

Example response:

"data": {
"allComponentInMdx": {
"nodes": [
"component": "ApiType",
"attributes": [
"name": "apiKey",
"value": "test"
"name": "type",
"value": "OutOfOrderPropertiesTestType"
"mdx": {
"file": {
"relativePath": "api/types/index.md"


tagList [array<string | RegExp>] (required)

JSX components that generate Gatsby data nodes in the final output (other nodes still appear as children in tree and their children can generate nodes). To introspect all nodes for debugging purposes, a wildcard regular expression can be used as the only list term ([/.*/]).

Note: most target use cases need to allow specific tags to inspect. This is the recommended approach to improve performance, but the tag list configuration can be used as a block list too by specifying a single regular expression with a negative look-around.

cleanWhitespace [boolean] (optional, defaults to true)

Whether to collapse/trim whitespace in JSX snippets and string literals

removeMdxCompilationArtifacts [boolean] (optional, defaults to true)

Whether to remove attributes that are (usually) artifacts of MDX compilation (mdxType and parentName)

shouldIndexNode [(node) ⇒ boolean] (optional, defaults to () ⇒ true)

Predicate function used as a performance escape hatch to filter MDX files that get parsed/indexed. Use if not all MDX files need to be indexed.

Advanced Queries

Each node exposes two fields, childrenComponentInMdx and childComponentInMdx, that both support filtering and sorting in addition to querying for deep children (descendents at any level). These fields allow for some advanced use cases:

query GetAllLinksInHeaders {
filter: { component: { in: ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"] } }
) {
nodes {
filter: { component: { in: ["Link", "a"] } }
deep: true
) {
attributes {

This query gets all link elements (both Gatsby links and normal anchor HTML elements) that are descendents of headers. If deep were false, then the query would only get link elements that are direct children of headers.

Known issues

  • The plugin has to parse the MDX separately (and therefore twice in the site build) because gatsby-plugin-mdx does lazyly evaluate the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) property on the MDX GraphQL provided, which means it's available to components using GraphQL but not to other plugins that read from the GatsbyJS Node Objects in earlier build phases.
    • In addition, the plugin has to parse all of the MDX upon transforming because it generates Gatsby data nodes from the components, so it can't parse the code only on demand like gatsby-plugin-mdx. Caching helps alleviate this problem, however.

Differences between MDX and output

The plugin relies on the compiled JSX created by @mdx-js/mdx from the MDX source code, so the final representation may contain slight differences compared to the original MDX.

  • Inline code blocks like `code` turn into inlineCode elements in the final component tree due to the MDX library
  • The MDX library adds certain attributes to each HTML or React element it parses, namely, mdxType and parentName. By default, the plugin automatically removes all attributes that match these names. However, since there is no easy way to determine if these attributes were present in the original MDX file, the plugin removes them too. This behavior can be turned off by setting removeMdxCompilationArtifacts to false in the plugin options
  • Whitespace may end up different in text nodes than it was in the original MDX. The plugin attempts to clean up the text nodes it finds, but this can sometimes produce undesired output. Both trimming and collapsing can be turned off by setting cleanWhitespace to false in the plugin options
  • Most complex javascript expressions are string-serialized in the final output, while simple literals (boolean/number/null/undefined/string) get parsed to their values

Gatsby Transformer RAML


This plugin parses RAML documents as YAML documents using JS-YAML parser. The parsed RAML documents are expected to be autogenerated from the original RAML using the Rest Modeling Framework (RMF) RMF-codegen processor to have a strict canonical form.


npm install @commercetools-docs/gatsby-transformer-raml


As a prerequisite configure gatsby-source-filesystem plugin to point the directory of the auto-generated RAML specs, for example src/api-specs. The apiKey for each node on GraphQL is derived from the api.raml directory.

Example gatsby-config.js content:

// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `api-specs`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/api-specs`,
resolve: `@commercetools-docs/gatsby-transformer-raml`,
options: {
includeApis: ['example'],
moveTypePropertiesToTop: ['id'],
moveTypePropertiesToBottom: ['custom'],
moveEndpointQueryParametersToTop: ['where'],
moveEndpointQueryParametersToBottom: ['/^var[.][a-zA-Z0-9]+$/'],

How the data flow works

  1. Main RAML in /api-specs/<api-key>
  2. CLI call to rmf-codegen transforms it into normalized flattened conventional RAML files in /website/src/api-specs/<api-key>
  3. Gatsby’s source-filesystem plugin listens to changes and creates and updates file nodes in the gatsby data model.
  4. Our gatsby-transformer-raml plugin creates the API Spec nodes on GraphQL from the file nodes, defining the schema and transforming key-value data structures to arrays to have a queryable GraphQL schema.
  5. Gatsbyjs static query hooks hold the api endpoints / api types data of a given API respectively.
  6. The frontend components use these react hooks to find and use the respective endpoint / type key they got passed as props.
  7. The user imports the needed api frontend components into a given MDX page and uses them there.

API Specs Directory Structure

One of the benefits of the gatsby-transformer-raml tool is that it supports multiple api specs parsing. For this to work properly, we recommend setting up the specs root directory such that all the specs directory are flattened. See example below:

├── src
│ ├── api-specs
│ │ ├── first-api-spec
│ │ | ├── api.raml
│ │ ├── second-api-spec
│ │ | ├── api.raml
│ │ ├── third-api-spec
│ │ | ├── api.raml
│ ├── pages
├── node_modules
├── README.md
├── package.json
└── .gitignore

The example above assumes the RAML specs are sourced from the api-specs directory.

Available Plugin Options

  • includeApis: This is a list of the names each API specifications directory located in ./src/api-specs. Only APIs listed here will be available on the website.
  • moveTypePropertiesToTop: This is the list of API type properties that must be sorted to the top.
  • moveTypePropertiesToBottom: This is the list of API type properties that must be sorted to the bottom.
  • moveEndpointQueryParametersToTop: This is the list of endpoint query parameters that must be sorted to the top.
  • moveEndpointQueryParametersToBottom: This is the list of endpoint query parameters that must be sorted to the bottom.

Example gatsby-config.js content:

// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `@commercetools-docs/gatsby-transformer-raml`,
options: {
includeApis: ['test'],
moveTypePropertiesToTop: ['id', 'name', 'surname'],
moveTypePropertiesToBottom: ['last-property'],
moveEndpointQueryParametersToTop: ['where', 'sort', 'limit'],
moveEndpointQueryParametersToBottom: [

A typical GraphQL query

Example for reading all types:

allRamlType {
nodes {
enumDescriptions {
examples {
properties {
items {