Embedding Media


All image files must be placed in /src/images in full original resolution and quality. Multiple compressed and lower resolution files are generated automatically when building the website.

You use standard markdown syntax to insert images into content pages.

It is good to have a meaningful alt text when using images. A meaningful alt text is useful for visually impaired users using softwares to read text on a page.

  • You can add a caption to images by following the Markdown syntax for titles.
  • Images with a transparent background (PNG) are rendered on white background. It's OK to leave transparent background
  • SVG images are not optimized or scaled, but would still be rendered. They need to be placed into /src/files/ for unprocessed delivery.

a large dog
This dog serves as an example image and this is the title text

you write:md
Full example with alt text title:
![a large dog](/images/dog.jpg 'This dog serves as an example image and this is the title text')
Full SVG example:
![illustation of a shoppin cart](/content/files/cart.svs 'We love illustrated shopping carts')

Unless not otherwise possible, avoid:

  • images on external servers (not optimized, can disappear)
  • images of small sizes or large heights

Mermaid Diagrams

It's possible to create diagrams using mermaid syntax directly in the MDX files. For example, it's possible to create sequence diagrams, flowcharts, class diagrams, ER diagrams, state diagrams and others.

To author, either use mermaid.live or install the mermaid VSCode plugin to get syntax support while writing.

Avoid custom CSS or theme overrides for better maintainability of the content.

you write:md
Alice->John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Every minute
John-->Alice: Great!

If you want to show the sequence number attached to each arrow in a sequence diagram, you need to add the autonumber variable.

you write:md
Alice->>John: Hello John, how are you?
loop Healthcheck
John->>John: Fight against hypochondria
Note right of John: Rational thoughts!
John-->>Alice: Great!
John->>Bob: How about you?
Bob-->>John: Jolly good!


It's possible to embed a video in a page by using Video component.

The component accepts the following properties:

  • url (mandatory): The source URL to a video source to embed.
  • poster: an optional parameter specifying a URL to an image that displays before the video begins playing. This is often a frame of the video or a custom title screen. As soon as the user hits "play" the image will go away. If not specified, the initial frame of the video will be displayed instead.
you write:md