Multiple paths

Using MultiPathBlock component you can create a block of content with multiple paths. Each path is selectable by clicking on the corresponding tab at the top of the block.

This component is useful when, for example, we want to display different information and code example depending on a specific language or application. Opposed to the MultiCodeBlock which can only display code, MultiPathBlock can display any type of content (with certain caveats).

Furthermore, the MultiPathBlock component can "sync" the selected tab automatically with any other MultiPathBlock or MultiCodeBlock components. This means that when you click on a tab in one block, the corresponding tab in the other block will be selected as well and that choice is rememberer when navigating between pages.

It's also possible to deep link to a specific tab by adding the ?activePath={path} to the URL. For example, if you want to deeplink to the PHP tab in the example below, you can use the following URL:


The MultiPathBlock tag must contain two or more <PathBlock> tags. Each <PathBlock> tag represents a tab in the block.

The label prop is used to define the text of the tab and it's mandatory.

The syncWith prop is used to define a string (typically a programming language or a application name) that will be used to keep the tabs in sync with other MultiPathBlock or MultiCodeBlock components. If the syncWith prop is not defined, the tab will not trigger any sync with other components.


The content of the <PathBlock> tag can be any type of content, including markdown, code examples, custom components. An extensive example can be found here. However, there are few caveats:

  • Do not use any headings as it will break the side page navigation that is constructed based on the headings.

  • Breaking lines can only be done using the html <br/> tag. The markdown syntax for breaking lines will not work.

  • The sync mechanism between blocks is based on the exact match of the language string (case insensitive). Meaning that js and javascript are considered different languages. Keep it in mind when defining the syncWith prop.


One of the most common doubts is when to use MultiPathBlock and when to use MultiCodeBlock. The rule of thumb is to use MultiPathBlock when you want to display content that is not only code, for example some markdown content that explains in details the code and it's different for each tab.

<PathBlock label="Javascript" syncWith="javascript">
Below you can see and example of how to write **debug messages** in `JavaScript`.
console.log('this is it in javascript');
You can use `console.log` functions whenever you want to print something to the console.
<PathBlock label="PHP" syncWith="php">
Below you can see and example of how to write debug messages using `PHP`.
print('this is it in php');
You can use `print` function whenever you want to print something to the standard output.

Below you can find some examples:

Example with code and markdown




Below you can see and example of how to write debug messages in JavaScript.

console.log('this is it in javascript');

You can use console.log functions whenever you want to print something to the console.

Below you can see and example of how to write debug messages using PHP.

print('this is it in php');

You can use print function whenever you want to print something to the standard output.

Below you can see and example of how to write debug messages in TypeScript.

const message: string = 'this is it in TypeScript';

You can use console.log functions whenever you want to print something to the console.

Example with markdown and custom components



Other languages

Please click on the card below to access the Javascript content.

Please click on the card below to access the PHP content.

When this tab is selected, it should not trigger any sync with other MultiPathBlock components.

The reason is that the <PathBlock> component does not have the syncWith prop defined. This could be useful when you want to display content that is not related specifically to any other contents displayed in MultiPathBlock components.

Example of MultiCodeBlock syncing with MultiPathBlock

Below you find a MultiCodeBlock that syncs with the above defined MultiPathBlock components and vice versa.

let name = "John";
let greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!";

Note that the Java code is not synced with the MultiPathBlock components. This is because the Java code is not part of the MultiPathBlock component.