Lordicons wrapper


Lordicon is an animated icon library. The animation can be exported in several formats including Lottie JSON, enabling the user to customise several aspects of the animation including speed and interaction behaviour.

LordIcon component

In ui-kit package we exposes a wrapper component that enables developers to include lordicon icons with the minumum effort and supporting all the builtin functionalities of lordicons. The component supports SSR by displaying a static frame of the animation (it needs to be provided in svg format) until the client side animation loads.

The component accepts the following props:

  • iconName (string): It's the name of the icon/animation to be displayed. It must either be defined in the dynamic map existing in packages/ui-kit/src/utils/lord-icon.ts file, or the component will try to dynamically load the .json file from @commercetools-docs/ui-kit/dist/icons/lord-icon/ package.
  • delay (number): Defines the time in ms to wait before the animation starts
  • height (string): Defines the height of the lordicon element
  • width (string): Defines the width of the lordicon element
  • stroke (number): Defines the stroke value for the icon animation (0-100)
  • target (string): Assign query selector for closest element target used for listening events.
  • trigger (string): Define trigger for animation (hover, click, loop, loop-on-hover, morph, boomerang, sequence)

Internally the wrapper uses Lord Icon Element library, most of the props as just passed throught the library component. For further information you can check the documentation pages linked above.


import { LordIcon } from '@commercetools-docs/ui-kit';

LordIcon and SSR

As mentioned above, the provided wrapper component supports SSR. When rendered on the server the component tries to load a static version of the animation. The static SVG component mapping is defined in packages/ui-kit/src/utils/lord-icon.ts.

How to add new icons

The developer must provide both the static SVG and the Lottie JSON files. They must be placed respectively in the packages/ui-kit/src/icons/svg and packages/ui-kit/src/icons/lord-icon directories. A mapping must be added both in getStaticSvgComponent and getLottieJsonConfig functions of packages/ui-kit/src/utils/lord-icon.ts file.